What is The Best Coffee From Ethiopia
Ethiopia has deep historical and cultural roots in coffee, and is generally though of as the birthplace of coffee, or of Arabica coffee at least.
We now know, rather than just assuming, that Ethiopia is the origin of Arabica coffee, thanks to a genome study .
Although there’s no scientific way to prove that Ethiopia was the first place coffee was consumed as a drink, and I always roll my eyes at the thought of the story of Kaldi the Goatherd being anything more than a fairy tale, Ethiopia does have among the oldest & deepest ties to the earliest known coffee consumption.
So Ethiopia is naturally regarded as one of the best coffee growing origins - but the big question is, what is the best coffee from Ethiopia?

It really is a big question, and it's a pretty big answer too, although it's certainly not a definitive one, as there really isn't one, however, I'm going to do my best to guide you towards figuring out specifically which might be the best Ethiopian coffee for you.
Ethiopia is one of the best coffee origins when it comes to diversity, taste is also diverse and of course incredibly subjective, so trying to rank Ethiopian coffee in order from best to worst, for example, would just be daft.
Not only are there numerous regions & sub-regions producing coffees with big differences in taste profiles, even coffees from the same regions can have widely different profiles depending largely on altitude & processing method.
Are Ethiopian Coffee Breans the Best?
What Are You Looking For in Your Coffee?
This is what it all boils down to, to suggest there is such a thing as "the best", would be to assume that we all have the exact same taste buds, and we're all looking for the same kind of flavours in our coffee, which obviously isn't the case.
Maybe you're after for big juicy tropical flavours in your coffee, or maybe you're looking for bright & zesty coffees or spicey & chocolaty coffee - whatever it is, you'll probably find it in Ethiopia.
My advice, is to just try as much as you can, keeping an eye open for the kind of flavour notes you're looking for.
You're not always going to find them, as your palate isn't always going to agree with whoever did the cupping, taste is a very subjective thing. The more coffees you taste, though, the more you're going to discover which kind of coffees, which origins and in some cases which specific regions or sub-regions produce the coffee you enjoy the most.
Coffee Growing Regions of Ethiopia
Next, I'll take you through some of the most well known coffee regions of Ethiopia, and this isn't all of them, or we'd literally be here all day ;-).
I'm also trying to keep my waffle to a minimum, as you'll probably know if you've read any of my other posts, I'm passionate about coffee - so I can (I do, actually...) talk about it all day.
You may have other things to do today, such as to eat, drink coffee & sleep (three of my favourite things), so I'll try to be brief, but I'll link to other resources on these regions where possible, in case you want to find out more.
Credit: Perfect Daily Grind
Sidama is one of the most iconic Ethiopian coffee regions, well known for sweetness & acidity, but also for having a big diversity of flavour profiles, thanks to the biological diversity of the region and the large number of coffee farming co-ops and washing stations.
If you think this is a typo by the way, and I'm talking about "Sidamo", coffee from this region was previously referred to as Sidamo.
This was a regular bone of contention, and eventually the Ethiopian Coffee Exchange decided to begin to refer to the coffee from this area by the same name as the area itself, Sidama.
For more on Sidama, this is a great in depth article on Sidama from Perfect Daily Grind: Everything You Need to Know About Coffee From Sidama, Ethiopia.

Lekempti, also referred to as Nekemte, is a coffee-growing region known for producing large coffee beans with unique flavour profiles.
The coffee in this region is grown at altitudes ranging between 1,400 and 2,200m, and is mainly natural processed, which amplifies the bold, fruity flavours & sometimes wild & funky flavour notes.
Our Melon & Toffee Ethiopia is a great example of a Lekempte coffee, a smooth bodied, slightly spicy coffee with a mixture of sweet melon and toffee notes.
Lekempti coffee is often regarded as a bit of a hidden gem, not quite as famous as the likes of Sidama & Yirgacheffe, but can offer some really unique & enjoyable coffees.
Melon & Toffee Ethiopia - Bulechala co-operative, Lekempti, Ethiopia
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Yirgacheffe is another one of the most famous coffee regions of Ethiopia, and it's actually a subregion of Sidama, highly regarded for complexity, and for bright, Zesty & Floral flavour notes.
Even within the smaller Yirgacheffe subregion, though, there's quite a bit of diversity, which will depend largely on the altitude, but also on the processing method.
More Yirgacheffe coffees are washed vs natural processed, but there are natural processed Yirgacheffes, which will often produce deeper & funkier taste notes.
Higher grown coffees from Yirgacheffe tend to deliver more fruity & floral notes, while the lower altitudes in the region are more known for their herbal & spicy flavours - although this is speaking very generally.
For a much deeper dive into Yirgacheffe, see: Yirgacheffe 101 All About Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee.
Another of Ethiopia’s most famous coffee-growing regions, Harrar lies in the Eastern Highlands of the Oromoia region, and is mainly known for natural processing, which plays a significant role in defining its distinctive flavours.
Coffee beans from Harrar are known for being bold, full-bodied, complex, rustic, wild & vibrant.
In the cup, you can expect to encounter notes of blueberries, apricots, intense dark chocolate, and red wine, complemented by earthy undertones and a hint of floral acidity.
However, as with all Ethiopian coffees, there’s remarkable diversity, making every cup from Harrar a unique experience.
What is the Importance of Fresh Coffee Beans?
Credit: Sucafina
Jimma, Djimmah or Djimma coffees, traditionally natural processed, are known for their more earthy & rustic flavour profiles, often with notes of chocolate & spices.
This is diverse region, spanning altitudes from around 1,400 - 2,100m which has been typically known for commercial grade or "commodity" coffee, although there are some stonking speciality coffees now coming from this region.
These coffees are also referred to as "Mocha" or "Mocha Djimmah", named after the Yemeni ports they were historically shipped from, and share a similar taste profile which has developed an association over time between the name "Mocha" and coffee with chocolate taste notes.
Our Dark Chocolate & Biscoff Ethiopia coffee beans are a great example of a deeply chocolatey & subtly spicy Mocha Djimma.
Dark Chocolate & Biscoff Mocha Djimma

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Djimma beans are also commonly used in blends, to add crowd pleasing chocolate notes - and Dark Chocolate & Biscoff (at slightly differing roast levels) are used in our two best selling espresso blends, Chocolate Brownie Blend & Chocolate Fondant Blend.
Credit: Ponaire
The Guji Zone, named after a tribe of the Oromo people, is located south of the Sidama region and east of Yirgacheffe, sharing the high-altitude terrain that provides ideal conditions for cultivating coffees with exceptional character.
Previously part of the Sidama region, Guji became a distinct region in 2002 & since then, has quickly become one of the most well known coffee growing regions, known for vibrant & fruity coffees.
Guji's coffee is primarily produced by smallholder farmers using traditional methods passed down through generations. Much of it is semi-forest coffee, where shade and biodiversity play a crucial role in enhancing cup quality.
Credit: Trabocca
The Limu region encompasses parts of the Illubabor and Kaffa zones, lying approximately 510 km southwest of the capital, Addis Ababa.
The coffee produced in Limu is washed processed, and is grown at altitudes of between 1,100 to 1,900m, mainly by smallholder farmers.
Limu coffees are renowned for characteristically spicy and winey flavour, low acidity & medium body, with sweet and sometimes floral notes, and for a long and flavourful finish.
How Long do Coffee Beans Last?
Best Coffee From Ethiopia - All of Them!
To conclude, there are far too many amazing coffees from Ethiopia to declare one of them as the best, and taste is very subjective, the question is - which is the best coffee from Ethiopia for your palate - and there's one (very enjoyable) way to find out, try them all! :-).
Why not start out with our Melon & Toffee Lekempti Ethiopia, or our Dark Chocolate & Biscoff Mocha Djimma? Remember to use discount code CWNC25 for 25% off your first order!