Milk Chocolate & Caramel Decaf Peru


This decaf is so good that you'll find yourself drinking it because of the way it tastes, regardless of the fact that it's decaf!

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Origin: Peru

Certifications: Organic. Fairtrade. Mountain Water Decaf

SCA Score: 83

Roast: Medium Dark

Suitable for: All brew methods

Varietal: Bourbon and Pache

Decaf Process: Mountain Water

Rich and chocolatey with sweet caramel notes. You won't believe it's decaf!

If you're fed up of having to "slum it" with decaf that just doesn't taste like proper coffee whenever you need to drink decaf, then you're going to love this! This is a single origin speciality decaf coffee produced by smallholders in the highlands of Peru.

Smallholders across Peru's mountainous landscapes organically farm coffee on plots that are typically less than 1 hectare. Mountain Water decaffeination process offers an alternative to consumers concerned by chemical processes.

These single-origin Mountain Water decaffeinated coffee beans are grown at an altitude of 1200-1600m, the varietals are Bourbon and Pache. The Speciality Coffee Association score for this coffee is 83, and these coffee beans are Organic, Fairtrade & Mountain Water decaffeinated.

This coffee has been decaffeinated using the Mountain water decaf process, this is a decaffeination process that removes most of the caffeine, without stripping away the taste.

How it Tastes

Yes this is a decaf, but no, it doesn't taste like muck! In fact, it tastes incredible! Try it on someone who loves their coffee, don't let them know it's decaf until they've tasted it, and I'll bet they'll be amazed!

To the most obvious flavour I can relate the taste of this decaf single origin to, is milk chocolate & caramel. In fact, it reminds me of one of my favourite chocolates which I won't name, but it rhymes with Padburies Fairy Silk Caramel.

If you're new to flavour notes in speciality coffee, please note that when we're talking about taste notes we're not talking about flavours that are so strong that you think they're artificially flavoured, they're usually relatively subtle.

If you have a really well-developed palate then you may detect really strong flavour notes, but if you don't to begin with, stick with it.

Keep tasting different coffees, and don't mask them with milk and sugar (if you're making milkies and/or adding sugar just taste the coffee each time you brew before you add anything to it), you'll find that your palate develops over time and you start to taste things in your coffee that you didn't previously notice.

Smallholders & Cooperativees in Peru

This coffee is organically farmed predominantly by smallholders in the highlands of Peru mainly on small plots around a single hectare or smaller.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 121 reviews
Believe the hype!

This decaf coffee is exactly what I was looking for! I have a favourite coffee and it has a notes of caramel and chocolate. When I had to stop drinking caffeine, I thought I'd have to say goodbye to it forever... but this tastes EVEN BETTER. I look forward to my cup every morning (and evening, if I want... thanks decaf!). It's true you'd never know. Mmmm!

Andrew K.
Great Coffee A+

The e flavour is incredible !! Great Coffee A+

Rob W.

Other coffee works coffee I loved. This coffee has a strange taste as if there's something chemical on it though I know it's a swiss water process being used. Can be improved with milk but I didn't like it black.

Gary S.

Great flavour, the fact that it's decaf is great for me, any coffee after 2-3 in the afternoon and I struggle to get a good night's sleep. This scratches my coffee itch without the coffee buzz issue, and tastes great.

Neil M.

I have had my own coffee business for over 15 years and we use a decent coffee on our van but nothing special. We both drink decaf so, after watching some of Kev's videos on getting the best out of a Sage Duo Temp, decided to try his coffee for our own personal use. Dialled in our Mazzer Mini, a perfect extraction and the taste. I'll pause here. I've never been able to tolerate espresso without sugar, but Kev advised to taste the coffee au naturel before adding sugar or milk. I have never tasted anything like it: natural sweetness with citrus notes and a wallop of dark chocolate without a hint of bitterness. I'm blown away by this coffee.

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